About us

We are located near Boston, MA and have been designing and researching products for over 20 years. Carrie and Shannon partner with other best-in-class researchers, designers, developers, SEO experts, and copy writers, depending on the project.


Carrie Wiley

I am a hybrid UX and visual designer with over 20+ years of experience working on startups and innovating inside large companies. I help define and understand customer needs and turn ideas into interactive prototypes that are tested for concept and usability prior to building to save time and resources. I also work on bringing final designs through production and test out hypotheses on live products to find solutions that are usable, enjoyable and increase conversions.

I am a mother of two girls and love yoga, spending time in the mountains at the lake or on Cape Cod.

MFA in Design from MassArt


Shannon Bator

I am a user researcher with 17+ years of experience who helps companies rapidly test their ideas with real customers to inform overall design and major business decisions for their products (mobile apps, websites, software, tangible products, and services). I recruit, write scripts, and get people to show up and give meaningful and thoughtful feedback. I also share the results in a way that is easy to digest and, most importantly, actionable.

MS in Human Factors from Bentley